小林 英司


所属 リハビリテーション学科 理学療法学専攻
職位 講師
学位・資格等 医学博士(札幌医科大学)
e-mail ej-kobayashi@jhu.ac.jp
主な担当科目 神経障害理学療法学
所属学会 日本理学療法士協会
研究テーマと概要 【テーマ】



タイトル 出典(雑誌名) 巻号・ページ・発行年 単著・共著
Efficacy of knee–ankle–foot orthosis on functional mobility and activity of daily living in patients with stroke: a systematic review of case reports Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022 共著(筆頭)
Feasibility and Informativeness of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure for identifying priorities in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 1-8, 2022 共著(筆頭)
Mindfulness intervention improves cognitive function in older adults by enhancing the level of miRNA-29c in neuron-derived extracellular vesicles. Scientific reports 11(1) 21848-21848, 2021 共著
研究者の最新動向 :アルツハイマー病理変化と症状が乖離する例における認知症発症予防の機序(総説) Precision medicine 4(5) 480-485, 2021 共著(筆頭)
An enriched environment prevents cognitive impairment in an Alzheimer’s disease model by enhancing the secretion of exosomal microRNA-146a from the choroid plexus Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 9 100149-100149,2020 共著
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve cognitive impairment in an Alzheimer's disease model by increasing the expression of microRNA-146a in hippocampus. Scientific reports 10(1) 10772-10772, 2020 共著
Activated forms of astrocytes with higher GLT-1 expression are associated with cognitive normal subjects with Alzheimer pathology in human brain. Scientific reports 8(1) 1712-1712, 2018 共著(筆頭)
An enriched environment prevents diabetes-induced cognitive impairment in rats by enhancing exosomal miR-146a secretion from endogenous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. PloS one 13(9) e0204252, 2018 共著
Clinical utility of the 6-min walk test for patients with moderate Parkinson's disease. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 40(1) 66-70, 2017 共著(筆頭)
脳卒中片麻痺患者における肩甲骨回旋角度と肩関節亜脱臼の関係 理学療法ジャーナル 39(2), 2005 共著(筆頭)
Activated forms of astrocytes with higher GLT-1 expression are associated with cognitive normal subjects with Alzheimer pathology in human brain. Activated forms of astrocytes with higher GLT-1 expression are associated with cognitive normal subjects with Alzheimer pathology in human brain. (invited lecture) NVND-2018 international conference Oct, 2018 共著(筆頭)
高齢障害者の評価(総説) 総合リハビリテーション 34(1),2006 共著,分担執筆